Quantitative and Qualitative Factors

Factors for measuring the student’s progress toward satisfactory completion of the program include maintaining:

  1. A minimum cumulative theory grade level of 70%
  2. A minimum cumulative academic level of 70% or higher on practical skill assessments.*
  3. To determine whether a student meets the academic requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress, theory and practical grades are averaged together to give a minimum cumulative academic grade of 70%.
  4. A minimum cumulative attendance of 90% of scheduled hours**

*To meet the state practical requirements for graduation, students must complete all assigned practical skill assessments. See LEARNING PARTICIPATION GUIDELINES

**To determine your rate of attendance, divide the cumulative number of hours completed by the scheduled hours to date.

A student who has not achieved the minimum cumulative GPA of 70% and/or who has not successfully completed at least a cumulative rate of attendance of 90% is not eligible for Title IV assistance, if applicable, unless the student is on warning or has prevailed upon appeal of the determination that resulted in a status of Financial Aid Probation.